Educators Platform Affiliate Program

Thank you for your interest in working with Educators Platform in bringing forward companies to share with educators! As an affiliate with Educators Platform, we welcome you to reach out to potential sponsors to share opportunities.

As a new sponsor signs with Educators Platform, when they bring forward your name we will recognize your efforts and provide you 30% of the total sponsorship!

Suggested steps for engaging with a potential sponsor:

  1. Reach out via email or phone to a company you have engaged with or one that you think other dental hygiene educators might like
  2. Communicate what Educators Platform is and the purpose of your reaching out
  3. Outline a few opportunities for the company and refer them to the Educators Platform Sponsor page:  
  4. Invite the company to set up a meeting with Educators Platform to answer questions and/or outline any next steps related to sponsorship opportunities

After Educators Platform and your referral are in contract for a sponsorship opportunity, we will contact you to provide your payment.  Just make sure you share your name with the company representative!

The 30% reimbursement applies to new referrals only.

Ideas & Inspiration

Here are some ideas of products and companies you might consider approaching. You likely already have some others in mind! We encourage you to be creative with this and think about any companies that offer products or services that fellow educators would be interested in!

Clinic supply companies, instruments, loupes, radiologic supplies, clinic supplies, etc.

Electronic health record systems, grade tracking software, learning management systems

Teaching software such as gamification software, polling software, slide software

Other companies educators may be interested in - health, fitness, scrubs, etc.

Textbooks, typodonts, etc.

We look forward to working with you!

To let us know that you are interested in becoming an Educators Platform sponsorship affiliate, please share your name and email and we will send you more information regarding potential scripts to share with companies and terms to work with Educators Platform.